Sunday, May 15, 2011

Benefits And Benefit Bath

For body care, bath plays an important role. Who would have thought 
bath saves a lot of benefits. 
In order to give efficacy, bathing should be done properly. 
done regularly, will help the blood circulation, 
body becomes fit and radiant. 

According to an expert body care, bath with warm water or 
with cold water will give a different result, sometimes even 
contradictory. When the warm water will create a relaxed, then cold water 
exactly uplifting. That is, in the morning, before starting 
activities throughout the day, is more advisable to bathe with water 
cold. While the warm water bath to shower more appropriately done 
afternoon or evening before the break. 

In general, the soap used to clean dirt in the body. 
However, when menyabun not just from rubbing. Give a little massage 
smooth in body. Occasionally necessary to peel 
removing old and dead skin. Skin renewal process that usually 
place every 28 days can be hampered due to stress, changes 
hormones, changes in temperature, change of seasons, and aging. 
If regeneration 
slow, dryness of the skin increases. The skin becomes 
dull, especially on the elbows, knees, and heels. 

Exfoliation will make your skin smooth and fresh. How to 
simple so far been used by generations of 
another by rubbing the collision of grains (rice, wheat), 
Oyong dried fruit. You can try making your own that Mangir 
Intersection contains material dribbles, turmeric, powdered krangean, sandalwood, 
Atal, and rice. Pumice is only used to rub the heel. 
Ever hear the term full bath? In Indonesia, a full bath 
generally involving a range of massage, exfoliation, cleansing, 
evaporation, and perfume the body. 

Massage aims to relax the body and blood circulation. 
In order not to injure the skin, before the whole body dibaluri oil, 
usually olive oil. Furthermore, exfoliating forwarded 
with bath scrubs, body with herbs penyehat meluluri skin. 
In addition to herbal bath, milk bath is also useful for 
cleanse the body and make your skin smooth soft. Bath milk 
usually use the milk of animals such as cows or goats. Another type 
is a mud bath that uses spices smoothed 
so black. There is also a spa or salon that offers bath 
real mud (volcanic) that has been processed and tested the effects 

Heating the sauna for 50-10 minutes to widen the channel 
circulation and perspiration launched. Although most 
sweat in the form of water, about 10-30% of it is a toxic chemical 
formed due to stress, pollution, or the wrong diet. Furthermore, 
scent by soaking in water bodies that were given perfume or 

Because the process is quite long, full bath is usually done in 
salon or spa services at once with a relaxation. 
Actually, if 
want painstaking, full bath can be done at home. Currently in 
the market has sold many natural ingredients are ready to use.

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